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Academic Honor Code

Academic Honor Code

All students will sign the following pledge upon enrollment at the Conservatory and it will constitute the code of academic conduct:

As students come together to form a community of performers, composers and scholars, they must accept the obligation to uphold the integrity of this community by behaving truthfully and responsibly towards each other in every aspect of their endeavors at the Conservatory. Students must further recognize that honesty, and the trust which it engenders, lie at the core of a successful course of study.

Understanding also that honesty in the pursuit of knowledge is the only reliable context in which to measure learning, I hereby acknowledge that I am expected to honor and uphold the following academic standards:

  • I will neither give nor receive aid on exams or other required in-class or take-home work, unless otherwise instructed.
  • I will not plagiarize in any form. Plagiarism is taking over the ideas, methods or written words of another, without acknowledgment and with the intention that they be credited as the work of the deceiver.
  • I will not refer to any material during an exam or during in-class or take-home work when reference to such material is not authorized.
  • I will strictly adhere to the Conservatory's and the teacher's other examination policies.
  • I will not, in any other manner, engage in dishonest actions in regard to my academic and performance activities and obligations while a student at the Conservatory.

A complete version of the Academic Honor Code including the policies and procedures, the standards for fundamental fairness, penalties, and records can be found here.