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Graduate Assistantships

Graduate Assistantships

Combining learning and teaching has never been easier.

As a full-time student pursuing a graduate degree, you’re eligible to apply for Graduate Assistantships. Assistantships are awarded on the basis of musical proficiency and specific skills related to the position and are paid hourly over the course of the academic year. All assistantships pay $20/hour, and last through the academic year (September-May).

The asks for your cover letter and resume. The Writing Tutor applications ask for a writing sample.

Brass (1)

Help with submitting various concert programs and production grids for the department. Act as an organizational liason between faculty and brass students. Copy and/or print music for brass choir, chamber groups, and studio classes. Keep filing cabinet in the brass room organized. (3-5 hours/week)

Faculty contact: Adam Luftman ( nyhsgzna@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@namtfula )

Chamber Music (1) **this position is currently filled

Organize chamber groups at beginning of the semester, act as liaison between groups and coaches, and organize concerts (7-10 per semester). Attend all chamber music classes and concerts. An average of 10 hours per week, with more hours required at the beginning of the semester and fewer hours toward the end. This position is shared by two students. Note: This position is only open to prospective or returning Chamber Music majors. (6 hours/week/assistant)

Faculty contact: Dimitri Murrath ( qzheengu@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@htarrumd )

Collaborative Piano (1)

Act as liaison between chair, student pianists, instrumentalists and singers. Assist in organizing and communicating to pairs in classes. Provide administrative support with in-class performance schedule, class setups, and music uploads. Organize collaborative piano recitals logistics and program. Note: This position is open to current and incoming Collaborative Piano graduate students. (2 hours/week)

Faculty contact: Timothy Bach ( gyo@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@blt )

Composition (1) **this position is currently filled

Provide clerical assistance to the Composition Department as needed. Note: This position is only open to returning Composition students. (5-8 hours/week)

Faculty contact: David Conte ( qpbagr@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@etnocd )

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) 

There are 4 Graduate Assistants for the department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  Each assistant will be tasked with the scheduling, organizing, and facilitating of events sponsored and/or cosponsored by the Office of DEI.  SFCM affinity groups such as Black Student Union (BSU), Pride Network, and Latinx Club may also be areas in which assistants may provide support.  Assistants may also work closely with Student Affairs in capacities which build community supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.  Lastly, assistants will meet regularly and report directly to Dean Hainsworth regarding the aforementioned topics as well as their general impressions of issues related to DEI at SFCM. (10 hours/week/assistant)

Faculty contact: Jason Hainsworth (jhainsworth@sfcm.edu)

Ensemble (2)

The Ensemble Graduate Assistants work closely with the Ensemble staff and Music Director, providing administrative support with rehearsal setups, attendance, and the ensemble library. The incumbents will serve as liaisons between Ensemble faculty, staff, student workers, and students. Applicants should possess proficiency in Google Apps and strong organizational and communication skills. A background in orchestral performance or conducting is preferred but not required. The graduate assistant(s) reports to the Manager of Ensemble Operations. 

Responsibilities include:

  • Manage Large Ensemble rehearsals and performances, including overseeing and observing rehearsals by taking attendance & assisting with breaks  
  • Assist Large Ensemble staff with the following rehearsal duties: directing student setup crew; setting folders on stands according to the stage plots; creating and editing stage plots as needed
  • Serve as point person during rehearsals for ensembles as needed 
  • Assist LE staff with auditions, concerto competitions and other special projects
  • Oversee score reading duties for live-streamed Large Ensemble performances
  • Other administrative duties as needed

(12 hours/week)

Staff contact: Abbey Springer ( nfcevatre@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@regnirpsa

Guitar (1)

Assist with photocopying, phoning, scheduling, and securing rooms for rehearsals, programming of recitals and master classes, and serving as a liaison for the Department Chair when he is on tour. Assist with Harris collection sessions on Wednesdays. In charge of Conservatory guitar collection in room 535: loaning guitars to students, maintenance and care of the collection. Attendance at all department recitals and master classes. General availability as needs arise. This position is only open to returning Graduate students. Note: This position is only open to students who have been in the SFCM guitar department for at least one year. (6 hours/week)

Faculty contact: David Tanenbaum ( qnivq.gnaraonhz@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@muabnenat.divad )

Historical Performance / Baroque Ensemble (1)

Assist the directors of the baroque ensemble and historical performance faculty in baroque ensemble preparation as well as other historical performance courses. . Provide clerical assistance, communicate with students, and assist with preparation of scores and parts. Applicants must play an instrument that participates in the baroque orchestra as participation in baroque ensemble is a requirement for this position.(2 hours/week)

Faculty contact: Corey Jamason ( pwnznfba@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@nosamajc )

Historical Performance / Baroque Ensemble - Harpsichord Tuner (1)

Act as the harpsichord tuner for the Historical Performances program. This position can be combined with the regular Historical Performance/Baroque Ensemble position. Experience tuning is a requirement to be considered. Applicants are generally historical performance keyboard majors and/or have previous experience tuning historical temperaments. (2 hours/week)

Faculty contact: Corey Jamason ( pwnznfba@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@nosamajc )

Humanities and Sciences (1)

There are two Graduate Assistants for the Humanities and Sciences Department—one assigned primarily to the Western Civilization courses, the other to the College Writing courses. Each assistant will attend the respective classes, will lead review sessions, and will assist faculty in correcting homework and research papers, and proctoring and correcting exams. Assistants may also be asked to tutor students having difficulties in any Humanities and Sciences course. Requires excellent English writing and language skills. (12 hours/week/assistant)

Faculty contact: Nikolaus Hohmann ( aubuznaa@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@nnamhohn )

Music History and Literature (MHL) (3 positions, 2-3 openings)

Three out of four graduate teaching assistants will prepare and lead weekly discussion sessions for MHL 202 and/or 203, the first two semesters of the undergraduate music history survey, as well as tutor students in these courses and attend the lecture classes led by the professors. One assistant will attend lectures and tutor students in MHL 204, the third semester of the undergraduate music history survey. Additional support may include attending lecture for MHL 602 or MHL 603, our graduate refresher courses, tutoring students in those courses, and assisting with grading for those classes. All graduate assistants will assist faculty in grading assignments, quizzes, and exams, and by coordinating printed and audio materials as needed. Finally, in the fall and spring, graduate assistants will administer graduate music history placement examinations. These positions require excellent English and musicianship skills, a solid background and interest in music history, the ability to communicate clearly and promptly, organizational skills, and strong training in critical thinking. (3 positions)

Faculty contact: Rachel Vandagriff ( einaqntevss@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@ffirgadnavr )

Musicianship and Music Theory (4) **this position is currently filled

The Musicianship and Music Theory Graduate Assistantship is a tutoring position; the responsibilities include helping both undergraduate and graduate students with the Core Curriculum in Musicianship and Music Theory courses, as well as the graduate courses involving theory and Musicianship. (6-7 hours/week)

Faculty contacts: Scott Foglesong ( fpbggys@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@flttocs

Opera and Musical Theater (3)

The Opera and Musical Theater Graduate Assistants provide services to the program in aspects related to day-to-day administration and production management. Attention to detail and excellent written and verbal communication skills are critical. Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint is required. Graduate Assistants must also have some knowledge of or willingness to learn furniture assembly and other basic technical skills. The position may require lifting of heavy objets. Duties are divided among the three graduate assistants, depending on availability and include, but are not limited to, the following:

Scan, photocopy, cloud storage and distribution of musical scores to students, faculty and production teams.

Organize storage for props, costumes, set dressing and furniture. Coordinate and transport any items needed for rehearsal and performances and between the various performance and storage locations.

Organize orchestral parts and mail them back to publisher.

Act as stage manager or assistant stage manager, if required.

Manage and supervise student stage crew for rehearsals and performances.

Act as light-walker during technical rehearsals, if needed.

When required, distribute relevant information to students, including announcements, opportunities, etc.

Assist the Opera Production Manager and Costume Coordinator with obtaining headshot and measurement for all students involved in a production.

When appropriate, create or edit supertitles script or act as supertitles caller.

(4-6 hours/week during non-production periods; up to 15 or more hrs/week during production. We will work with each Graduate Assistant to find the most suitable hours within the week but it is expected that each one will be to commit to at least four dedicated, scheduled hours each week)

Faculty contact: Heather Mathews ( urngure.zngurjf@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@swehtam.rehtaeh )

Percussion (2) **this position is currently filled

Assist Percussion Department in scheduling lesson times, organize Percussion Ensemble rehearsals, assist with assigning parts and distribution of music for percussionists in orchestra rehearsals and concerts. Be responsible for Conservatory owned percussion equipment including inventory, minor instrument repair, ordering as necessary, and approving borrowing of instruments. Serve as assistant teacher for the department. (15 hours/week/assistant)

Faculty contact: Jacob Nissly ( wavffyl@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@ylssinj ) and Ed Stephan ( rqcrep@ubgznvy.pbzmoc.liamtoh@crepde )

Piano (2)

Assist the Piano department chair with intradepartmental communication, maintaining departmental bulletin board, piano inventory, organizing Piano Forum and departmental Piano Recitals. Specific duties include organizing the piano library, photocopying scores, scheduling performances, creating recital programs, and taking attendance at all required departmental events. Additional duties may include assisting with planning and organizing Guest Artists residencies and masterclasses, serving as student liaison between students and faculty, as well as communicating with other offices and departments within the school such as the program and concert offices. Qualified applicants will demonstrate high sense of organization, communication skills both written and oral (with email and computers), proven leadership, and strong sense of responsibility. Approximately 13 hours per week with possibility for more hours during guest residencies and recital season. (10 hours/week)

Faculty contact: Yoshikazu Nagai ( lantnv@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@iagany )

Professional Development (1)

This student will support PDV 420-422 (Conservatory Connect), PDV 424 (Conservatory Engage), PDV 210 + 211 (Festival Management and Production), PDV 232 (Ecosystem of the Arts), PDV 200 (Professional Fundamentals) and others - primarily facilitating guest speakers, taking attendance as needed, coordinating with professors on any classroom specific needs at the beginning of the semester/module, and serving as the liaison for the Department Chair. (10 hours/week)

Contact: Kristen Klehr ( xxyrue@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@rhelkk )

Residential Life (1) **this position is currently filled

The SFCM Residential Life Graduate Assistant assists the Department of Residential Life and the Resident Assistant team with a focus on tasks after hours and on the
weekend. Responsibilities include approving overnight guests, managing and responding to maintenance requests, and responding to student interaction reports from the Residential Life and Security Teams at the Bowes Center. The Residential Life GA ideally has Collegiate Residence Life experience from their undergraduate experience and should be prepared to offer support to the RA team. The SFCM RL GA is also involved in administrative and logistical help in support of Residence Life events and programs; serves as a repository of programming ideas, provides on-site supervision of events and activities, and will assist in managing Residence Life Services in eRezLife. The ideal candidate should be focused on community development, and be willing to create a presence within the Bowes Center as a representative of SFCM. They should also be proactive in getting to know residents at Bowes and be ready to provide personal, social, academic, and occupational support and referrals as needed. (6-15 hours/week)

Summer residency and availability is desired starting Summer 2023, with a flexible start date after June 1 and ideally before July 1, and going through May 31, 2024. With these dates in mind, this position is open to students newly enrolled at SFCM. This position can begin with limited remote work.

Principle Duties and Responsibilities – Resident Assistant Support and Residential and Dining Management. The Residential Life Graduate Assistant will attend RA weekly meetings, support the Residential Life team in a leadership capacity, and assist the Director of Residential Life with dining management. The RL GA will work closely with the Office of Student Affairs Graduate Assistant and reside at the Bowes Center.
Responsibilities include:
● Assist in administrative aspects to the Office of Residence Life functions, including hiring, supervising and collaborating with the SFCM Resident Assistant Team, as well as
communicating with the Operations, Production, and Facilities department.
● Respond to Overnight Guest requests, Maintenance requests, Student Interaction forms, and other forms in eRezLife.
● Assist in organizing and leading weekly Residential Assistant Team Meetings.
● Assist the Office of Residential Life and Office of Student Affairs in planning and carrying out Orientation.
● The Residential Life Graduate Assistant should plan to be at Bowes for:
○ RA Training week,
○ Fall Move-in Day,
○ New Student Orientation for Fall 2023 and for Spring 2024, and
○ Spring 2024 move-out, the day after commencement and graduation.
● Assists in supervision of Health and Wellness checks, leading Hall Meetings, and planning and conducting Roommate Agreement Meetings with undergraduate residents.
● Participate in the Resident Assistant on-call rotation as needed and provide support in emergency and crisis situations.
● Assist with Dining plan management , including assignment and management of meal plans.
● Assist with management of the  erfyvsr@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@efilser  and  qvavat@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@gninid  email accounts.
Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities):
● Superior organization and planning skills with a strong attention to detail.
● Must be diplomatic and flexible; ability to maintain confidentiality and exercise excellent judgment and decision-making skills.
● Strong interpersonal skills; excellent written and verbal communication skills.
● Proficiency in Google Suite.
● Previous residential life experience required.
● Evening and weekend work required.
● Student leadership experience preferred.
● Enrollment at SFCM for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 Semesters.
● Multilingualism is a plus.
● Commitment to work no more than 15 hours per week in other on-campus jobs for the academic year 2023-2024

Faculty contact: Timothy Dunn ( gqhaa@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@nnudt )

Strings (1) **this position is currently filled

Assist in organizing departmental recitals and master classes, and aid in the supervision of the SFCM string instrument collection. Send weekly emails about string event announcements to students and faculty. Other various departmental duties as determined by the string faculty chair. (6-8 hours/week)

Faculty contact: Simon James ( fwnzrf@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@semajs )

Student Affairs (1) **this position is currently filled

The Student Affairs Graduate Assistant (SAGA) works closely with the staff of the Office of Student Affairs and assists with projects related to community building, student clubs and activities, health and wellbeing programs, and student services. The SAGA helps to build a sense of community and school spirit at SFCM. The SAGA serves as an additional point of contact for community-wide student events and student activities, working alongside the Manager of Campus Programs and Services. Additionally, the SAGA assists the Associate Dean for Student Affairs with managing student services, such as the student health insurance program. 

Promotes student involvement in activities and responsible community behavior; builds community and cooperation among students by engaging students in the program planning process and through the programs and services provided by the Office of Student Affairs; involved in administrative and logistical help in support of events and functions; serves as a repository of programming ideas and provides on-site supervision of events and activities, sometimes during evenings and weekends.

  • Supports community building events such as Orientation, Halloween Party, Thanksgiving Dinner, End-of-Semester Celebrations, and other school events.

  • Assists student clubs in planning events, understanding policies, and navigating resources. Coordinates with the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on student affinity-based club advising and program development.

  • Assists with the development of health and wellbeing workshops on campus

  • Assists with SFCM Student Council administrative logistics

  • Collaborates with the Resident Assistant team for programming for Bowes Residents

  • Assists with the development of programming for international students

  • Helps to create program and event marketing materials, such as posters and social media posts to the @sfcmcampuslife Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds and assists with publishing the weekly email student newsletter. Regularly communicate with SFCM Marketing and Communications on student programs and publicity.

Principle Duties and Responsibilities – Student Services:

  • Assists with supervision and scheduling of student staff at the Student and Patron Services Desk at the Bowes Center 

  • Helps the 50 Oak Instrument Locker assignment process and train student staff to assist in management of the service.

  • Supports the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in the management of the student health insurance program (enrollment/waiver process)

  • Assist with the revision of the Student Handbook and other Office of Student Affairs publications.

Qualifications (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities):

  • Must be able to start position over the summer to assist with Orientation planning; remote work is possible with a flexible start date

  • Superior organization and planning skills with a strong attention to detail

  • Must be diplomatic and flexible; ability to maintain confidentiality and exercise excellent judgment and decision-making skills.

  • Strong interpersonal skills; excellent written and verbal communication skills.

  • Proficiency in Google Suite

  • Evening and weekend work required

(10 hours/week)

Staff contact: Madison Roesler ( zebrfyre@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@relseorm )

Technology and Applied Composition (TAC) 

TAC department assistant responsibilities include but are not limited to: weekly scheduling, emailing, music technology tutoring hours in the lab, assisting teachers, setting up AV needs for TAC classes, concert producing, concert engineering, sheet music copying and preparation, research, prospective student outreach, orientation planning and photography. (2 hours/week/assistant)

Faculty contact: Steven Horowitz ( fubebjvgm@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@ztiworohs )

Voice (2)

Graduate assistants will provide clerical and organizational support for the voice department.  Duties will include monitoring and updating the voice student roster, taking attendance for Vocal Performance Lab and other class related activities including departmental recitals and masterclasses, and formatting programs for departmental events. Assistants will also provide support and prepare forms for recital previews, evaluations, juries and voice auditions.  Additional duties will include maintaining the department website, sending a weekly email with announcements to the faculty and students, and helping to facilitate intra-departmental communication. (10 hours/week/assistant)

Faculty contact: Cathy Cook ( ppbbx@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@koocc )

Woodwind Chamber Music (1) **this position is currently filled

Graduate assistant will provide organizational support for the Woodwind Department including the chamber music class and departmental events. Tasks include scheduling, librarian duties, and taking attendance at all woodwind concerts and masterclasses. In addition, the GA will create programs for concerts and maintain an internal website with various resources for woodwind students. (6 hours/week)

Faculty contact: Jeff Anderle ( wnaqreyr@fspz.rqhude.mcfs@elrednaj )


Kristen Klehr

Director of Professional Development and Engagement Center